Eating Alone

Hey there, it is me. The lone tall guy in the six person corner booth at (Unnamed-Sit-Down-Chain-Eating-Establishment). Eating Alone. I quite like it. You do not, it seems.  🙂

I sincerely don’t intend to ruin your family dinner, but the girlfriend you most likely assume I don’t have is out of town, I’ve got an hankering for a classic ice-cream sundae, and I’m going to get one, even if “just one?” is the answer from the now guilty hostess. I am not “lonely,” (if I was that’s fine too) and it is clear to some of the staff (including a properly kind waitress) that my cause for solidarity not quite because of all the murder I commit, (nobody seems to care about that), but because of free will, and a desire for one delicious, cool, vanilla and chocolate ice cream sundae with hot fudge and whipped cream. It was especially inspiring to happen upon a classmate enjoying one Wholesome American Meal with her family, who, while regularly quite amiable, averted her gaze, (very inconspicuously I may add) and glued her eyes to the questionable chicken in front of her.

So, barring accusations of  over-analysis on my part, what about the tall guy in the corner seems to make everyone go a bit stiff in the spine? (I will now admit that I haven’t killed anyone in actuality.) I don’t mean to make judgments on the whole of the American Population, but for now, why not.

The skill of doing things alone, nay, (mmm velvety old congressional vocab), being comfortable doing many things alone, is something I have a great respect for. In an ever connected world where “alone” has come to mean sitting in a restaurant full with people, it is becoming terribly rare for someone to feel comfortable in those “emergency situations” where you are indeed required, to go do something on your gleeful old own.

At least, at my (undisclosed) age, (you can guess, hint: I’m writing a self-gratifying blog post) it is those Alone Times that often generate some of the greatest ideas, thoughts, and memories that you and only you, (and your damn-ned smartphone you commies trying to share everything you have) will get to have. I will give away that I love community engagement and even the often prickly game of socializing. I think it is incredible interesting. It is worth doing whenever possible. But, what scares me, is the reliance many seem to have developed on social activity, on extrinsic motivation, on definitions of what “a good time is” being limited to experiences with others. Don’t get me wrong, experiences with others are some of the best, but why squelch someone else’s or your own happiness when you’re simply craving an Ice-Cream Sundae, and the opportunity is right in front of you.

It 20150228_174257was delicious, came with a free side of stares!